Uma técnica milenar dos povos indígenas da Floresta Amazônica inspirou a marca espanhola One Moment a criar um sapato eco-friendly, 100% biodegradável. Em dias de chuva, os indígenas costumavam passar no pé uma fina camada de látex, extraído das seringueiras. O produto se degradava naturalmente, retornando ao ambiente natural. A lógica do calçado 01M é a mesma. (+)
Com O ISCAL É VERDE ambicionamos contribuir para a sutentabilidade do planeta, e para isso queremos conquistar um espaço, verificável, no processo de ensino-aprendizagem das Unidades Curriculares que no ISCAL contemplam «o verde»,tendo em vista um desempenho cada vez melhor das organizações, nomeadamente do mundo dos negócios.
A empresa deve ser lucrativa para sobreviver, mas deve também enfrentar o apelo a tornar-se sustentável, para permitir a sobrevivência de todos nós,
RIO + 20
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has become the world’s leading independent resource on the subject. Our website is updated hourly with news and reports about companies’ human rights impacts worldwide – positive and negative.We seek responses from companies to allegations of misconduct: ensuring that our coverage is balanced and encouraging firms to address concerns raised by civil society. +
SustainAbility and GlobeScan have launched a new white paper, Down to Business: Leading at Rio+20 and Beyond, which offers an assessment of the present state of global opinion on sustainable development. The paper analyzes the perspectives of over 1,600 sustainability experts from 117 countries, and nearly 25,000 members of the global public from 22 countries. Published on the eve of the Rio+20 Earth Summit, Down to Business reveals what the public and sustainability thought leaders think about progress to date on sustainable development: what is being done, who is (and should be) leading, our most pressing issues, and the road ahead. The highlights reveal that we have much work to do, and that the private sector has a critical role to play.
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